Thursday, 5 January 2012

Have you given up on traditional marketing? Most small to medium companies have, find out why?

Have you given up on traditional marketing? Most small to medium companies have, find out why?

In a recent survey conducted it was found that small businesses don’t have the budget for mainstream media and are now exhausting other avenues for creating an awareness of their existence.

This can be clearly seen by the fact the Google now owns 40% of the online global advertising market.
In a report by ZenithOptimedia you can see a clear trend and in 2014 internet advertising will eclipse newspaper advertising in spend. The only growth area in media other than TV is the internet. Realistically, small companies do not have the budget to compete in the TV media space. But SEO is a whole other ball game.

Big corporates are asking why they are losing market share when they have been doing business the same way for the last 30 years and yet their numbers are down. 

Major Telco’s are finding their markets are saturated and scrambling to find new way of making money. Take Vodacom who is now licensed to sell insurance. They are all looking for ways to commoditise there subscriber base, and why not.

The question that I am asking is why the change?
Based on what we are seeing, small companies have the ability now to take on the big corporate and beat them at their own game. SEO and the internet has made this possible.

That’s all well and good if you know what SEO is and how to use internet marketing. If on the other hand you are not well versed in the ways of the internet there is still a good chance that someone will lead you down the garden path. This is the reason IPCOWEB offers a free SEO and Google workshop with a marketing bias so that you can begin to understand what is out there and what the correct questions to ask are.

If you want to do research on SEO then start by looking at the Ipco SEO page and also start by asking yourself some very pertinent questions.

Are you famous—is your brand well known globally? ( this will dictate the title of your webpage)

What do you think you sell?—generally you will be to technical orientated for your market and you will then focus on the incorrect words (the web is all about the best usage of words)

What do your clients and potential clients think you sell?—Most companies will ask a client or potential client where they found them and the answer is normally on t he internet or the pages. A more beneficial question will be what were you looking for when you found us? ( this will be your focus ad this is what you are selling)

For more information on this and other SEO tips feel free to attend our FREE SEO GOOGLE workshops that will kick of at the end of Jan 2012 in Melrose Sandton and then we will then start the monthly workshops in CPT and DBN from the middle of Feb.

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