Monday, 2 January 2012

Free SEO Tips that normal people can use and 3 important rules

This is a blog for all the normal people who don’t speak geek or computer language.

So you run a small business and you know that you need people to shop on your site or you can’t pay the bills. If you can’t pay the bills you will go out of Business. So the question is how do you do it?

If you don't like reading then come to a free SEO Google 101 workshop and don't read any further.

It all comes back to understanding who are you selling your product to and what are the words that they are using to find the service that you think you offer.

There is a great tool called you type in what you think the customer is searching for and it then tells you what words are being used in all the other search engines out there and there are a lot of search engines catering to different markets.

This is called key word research.

Before you go and spend a small fortune on a new web site-design make sure you know what you are selling.
Make sure you know what words your clients are using to look for you
And make sure your contact details are easy to find.

Then put yourself in the customers shoes and go shopping on your site, better still get your mother or parents to go shopping on your site and see if they have a pleasant user experience.

If not go back to the drawing board and start your word search all over.

Remember that as a potential surfer I am only going to spend 8 seconds reading your headlines and if they don’t grab me and I can find what I am looking for in 3 clicks I will be leaving your site.

So remember the 3 Rules
8 seconds to grab my attention
10 seconds to download the page
3 clicks to find what I am looking for

Don’t forget your telephone number people like to talk to people before the finally commit the money.
Or if this is still to much attend one of our free Google SEO workshops in your area. 

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