Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Free Google SEO workshop

Getting that ever elusive front page ranking can be tricky, dam near impossible if you don’t get the basics around SEO and Google sorted in your head. You need to understand that Google is all about relevance to what the user is searching for and not about how famous you think you are. In reality you are not a brand on the web you are a service or a product and you are not unique as you may have discovered. 

Everyone is talking about the USP and value proposition, this won’t mean anything if people don’t find you on the web. 

If you need help I run a free Google SEO and SEM workshop and a I challenge the delegates to test what I talk about and see the results for themselves. I am so sure that I will give them R500 of Google’s money J to test this. It helps when you are part of the Google engage program. So as I was rambling on:

A flashy USP with a flashy site won’t mean anything if the guy in the number 1 spot on Google gets 70% of the traffic and you don’t appear at all. So how do you get to the top spot?

First can you answer the following questions:

  • What do you think you sell?
  • What dose Joe public think you sell?
  • Do you go back to your site to read it because it makes you excited?

IF you can get the above 3 right you are far ahead of your competition who think they are famous and never read their own website for pleasure and not to check for errors.
Find out more at my free Google SEO workshop where i give training on SEO SEM and ad words.

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